Meet Your Doula, Corynne

Corynne has a judgement-free approach to birth and baby feeding, and will support you on the path you’re on. Corynne’s goal is to help parents of newborns care for and bond with their babies while supporting birthing people as they heal from childbirth. She will meet with you in pregnancy to discuss what to expect for the first few hours and days immediately after giving birth.

Postpartum Support

With so much focus on your pregnancy and baby, your postpartum care might not be top of mind. But your health, healing, and happiness matter.

Clients will receive:

  • What to expect immediately after giving birth

  • Partner support

  • Self- care and healing

  • Basics of baby/breast feeding

  • Newborn care

  • Referring to other resources and providers as needed/requested.

$75 per hour